The E-VILLAE project is designed by the Municipality of Staranzano and funded by Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, pursuant to the call for proposals related to L.R. no. 16/2014 art. 27 quater. - public notice for the enhancement of the historical ethnographic heritage of Friuli Venezia Giulia to be carried out through studies and historical research, as well as through projects aimed at the realization of recordings of testimonies, digitization, restoration of audio and visual and photographic material, creation of multimedia products, photography, storytelling and exhibition activities - year 2021.
This project enjoys the partnership of the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Cultural Consortium of Monfalcone-Ecomuseum Territories; it is also co-financed by the Friulian Society of Archaeology odvfrom Dobialab Research Area Group and fromassociazione culturale Lacus Timavi of Monfalcone. Also a project partner is the Pro Loco of Staranzano.
technical operators:
The historical and archival investigations were entrusted to archaeologist Renata Merlatti, assisted by archaeologist Gabriella Petrucci, while the conservation restoration operations of the mosaic floor from the Roman villa in Staranzano were carried out by the company A.Re.Con Snc.
3D geophysical surveys for the identification of buried structures were entrusted to. Esplora Srl, an academic spin-off of the University of Trieste.
Filming and making illustrative videos on the stages of mosaic restoration and geophysical investigations were carried out by the Dobialab Research Area Group, which was also responsible for organizing the Concert in the Villa held during the summer of 2022, featuring a performance by the wind quintet 'Gertrude Quintet.
Il ripristino della cartellonistica afferente alla villa è stato curato dalle archeologhe Merlatti e Petrucci e dallo sviluppatore del presente sito web, Andrea Fasolo.
The present web project represents a support to the knowledge of the restoration and investigation operations of the villa "of the freedom Peticia," as well as an invitation to the discovery and rediscovery of the most representative places of the legacy of the Roman age between Timavo and Isonzo, and will be constantly updated by the cultural association Lacus Timavi of Monfalcone.
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